Mothers can juggle anything: work, kids, dinner, laundry, homework, appointments, car pool, school, after school, meetings, cooking, bedtime… The list is endless and on a really rough day we can juggle fire.
A mom truly must be flexible at all times both physically and mentally. We can contort our bodies into any position for our kids (and sometimes for our husbands). Did you lose something under the bed, need something high up on the shelf, bottle fell under the seat of the car? We can also carry groceries, two kids, a purse and the car keys all at the same time. Milton Berle had once said “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?”
Tightrope walker
We are always walking a very thin line in order to keep our lives and kids in balance. We know how to keep everything and everyone from falling off the tight rope. In fact, we are not only the tightrope walkers but the safety net as well.
Clowns and Monkeys
Oh the clowns or should I say our husbands? And men in general. But that’s all I am going to say about that. There is no doubt that our kids are the monkeys. They get into everything but always make us laugh and yes are very cute.
What mothers feel like at the end of the day. After bedtime it is always best to avoid looking at yourself in the mirror. We have glitter glue in our hair, maple syrup on our shirts, marker stains on our hands, and crumbs in our pockets. Step right up folks and see the crazy lady polish off a bottle of wine.
Yes, motherhood is truly a three ring circus but it is also the greatest show on earth….
Read more from her at her blog, Random Stupid Thoughts, a Mom's View of the World.