It's a FREE, one hour, no fluff online class. It seriously rescued me from the abyss of pandemic parenting. And if you can relate to my stay-at-home story of stress and too many unhappy days, then I promise — it’s going to save you too.
The class, taught by parenting expert Amy McCready (whom you might have seen on The TODAY Show), provides practical, research-based tools to:
- Easily get kids to listen – the FIRST time. No need to yell or remind...not even once!
- Put an end to daily power struggles. Bedtime will become a breeze, and all the dawdling, chore wars, sibling rivalry, and mealtime meltdowns will disappear.
- Reduce backtalk by HALF! It’s simple once you know the secrets of these two ‘buckets.’
- Say goodbye to punishments that DON’T work. There’s a 5-step formula that works WAYYY better than time-outs.
- Feel amazing, confident, and empowered as a parent, every day. I NEVER go to bed feeling guilty anymore! (Okay, well maybe sometimes…’mom guilt’ is still a thing.)
After days (and days) of lockdown and lots (and lots) of togetherness, I felt like I had lost all control of my kids. They just weren’t listening. Not even after I reminded and nagged 100 times over. Honestly, even I was tired of hearing my own voice. Yet, I allowed it to get even LOUDER. But yelling didn’t work either. My demands were falling on deaf ears… I felt completely invisible. Even though I was busting my bee-hind to be the best parent possible. I was trying to work from home while trying to homeschool my kids while trying to be a loving partner while trying to manage my already long list of daily to-dos… Why wasn’t anyone calling me SuperMom?! Probably because the ‘S’ on my cape really stood for STRESSED TO THE MAX. My sanity was sinking fast, and I was drowning without any floaties to save me.
I knew something had to change, but I just didn’t know HOW to rebalance the power dynamics in our family. I didn’t know how to channel my frustration from punishment into more POSITIVE parenting techniques. I didn’t know how to go to bed without feeling like a bad parent.
Then I found Amy’s class.
Her practical, profound, empowering, transformative class. Just days after watching it, our household began to heal. It’s now (for the most part) filled with joy, peace, and happiness. Yeah, there are still BIG feelings (which is normal), but there’s hardly any drama or chaos when they happen.
I now know how to empower my kids to make good choices – without having to yell or nag. There’s no:
- Blame, shame, pain, or guilt
- Heated sibling rivalry
- Backtalk, tantrums, or daily power struggles
- Punishments that don’t work
Now, I feel confident that I can continue to be ‘The Best Mom Ever’ on a daily basis.
Try the FREE class - You have nothing to lose...except for maybe the rest of your sanity. (PS- no commitment required).