Some of us are faced with disappointing circumstances that can make the day stressful or emotionally charged. Desperately wanting to be with your own mom but you can't. Experiencing a difficult time with your spouse or other family member. Being forced into doing something that is not what you wanted to do that day. Not having the means to celebrate the way you would like. High expectations that simply are not met.
We all can shift focus and remember what this day is really all about and spend it simply feeling thankful (not that a massage and flowers aren't a well-deserved, great thing). This year I am celebrating Thanksgiving (sans the turkey and the sides). My favorite holiday, Thanksgiving is a time of small expectations, indulgence, absent of religion. It is all about appreciation and being thankful.
What am I thankful for? |
I am thankful for my children. Who drive me crazy at times and seem to never not need me and only me. I am thankful for their giggles and hugs. I am thankful that they earned me the position of "Best Mom in the World." And I am thankful that they are finally reaching an age where they can make something for me that I can keep for eternity (a flowerpot this year). I am so fortunate to have them. Sometimes I wake up exhausted from the roller coaster ride of #moming it and I listen to this song and it reminds me of how wonderful it is that they are here.
I am thankful for my mom tribe. The moms who listen, tell you how to get through whatever it is that day you need to get through, who get it, who make you laugh, who make you realize you are not alone in this crazy thing they call motherhood. These women can make all of the difference. They are your support system, your sounding board, your social life and your lifeboat. They make you laugh, they tell you about things like the "NoseFrida" that can pretty much change your life. They pick up your kids when you are running late, they give you a place to stay when you need one and are the perfect companion at any mom class, establishment or event. They are geniuses, superheroes and everything in between.
This Mother's Day be thankful. Dance with your children (might I suggest the Trolls soundtrack). Hug them tight. Love your family, your mom tribe, your friends, your world. Don't take it for granted. Drop the expectations and be thankful for all of the wonderful things being a mother means.
Need some more ideas? Check out what these moms are thankful for. Wishing all the moms, step moms, foster moms, single moms, first time moms, expecting moms, grandmothers, mother in-laws, nannies, babysitters and anyone else who #momsit a Happy Mother's Day. This is your day, be thankful! |