If you answered yes to any of those questions (or all!), you may be interested to learn about a local specialist who can help you, right in your home, here in Westchester.
Meet Lisa Wallos of Early Intervention and Beyond. She offers private, in-home Educational and Behavioral Therapy to Special Needs and Typical Children as well as their parents. We asked her a few questions about how she can help children and parents.
Q: Why would a family reach out to you when there is the NYS Early Intervention program?
A: Well, the NYS Early Intervention Program is an exceptional program but there are very specific eligibility requirements that enable only those who qualify as delayed to receive services. Many children may not qualify if they don't meet the specified 33% delay in a functional area. Some families feel the need to supplement what Early Intervention doesn't provide with an expert in the field. Other families find their kids need more support after the state no longer provides services.
Our services extend beyond preschool which is great for families after the CPSE Program ends at age five. There are virtually no other in-home service agencies that address the needs of the older student and their parents. My goal as an educator and Family Trainer is to help children of all ages function to the best of their ability and support their parents along the way.
Q: Do you make house calls for children with behavioral challenges?
A: Yes, I work with families primarily in their home in a fully supportive and non judgmental way and address their children's negative behaviors that effect family functioning. Issues range from potty training, to sleeping in ones own bed, managing temper tantrums, and effectively handling any mal adaptive behavior that both typical and special needs kids experience. It can be nothing short of a life saver for parents who have kids that are out of control and parents truly receive the support they need! If necessary, I will work with families in the community where parents find they are having difficulty with their kids. We also provide phone sessions and video conferencing for parents who need more immediate support as well.
Q: Have you worked with families outside of their home?
A: Parents have needed help with their children in retail and grocery stores and at birthday parties and parks. I've worked in restaurants where kids need help learning to eat appropriately in public places and even on Metro North Trains to help students manage their discomfort of riding public transportation.
Q: Do you work with groups of children to address social skills?
A: Yes, depending on a child's level of functioning of course. If appropriate, and with younger children, I'll work with two children at a time to develop skills such as sharing toys, turn taking, sharing space and attention. It's a great opportunity to work on reciprocal language and show parents how to model and prompt language with their little ones. Plus, there's always fun ways for us to work on improving cognitive skills in these lessons as well. I'll work on what needs to be worked on. As children get older, larger groups are more appropriate but I'll address what's appropriate and relevant.
Q: What are some common mistakes you see from parents when you work with them?
A: Well, I see parents spending an enormous amount of time verbally battling it out with their toddlers. It's somewhat puzzling when I see moms and dads habitually negotiating with a baby in a diaper. I also see parents get too soft on consequences or forget to give them all together. The common denominator is that they give away their control because of the fear of tantrums. This isn't as difficult to treat as one might think.
Q: How can parents reach you?
A: Come visit earlyinterventionandbeyond.com where you can learn about all the home base services we offer.
Early Intervention and Beyond
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (914) 299-3066