- 21% of residents are food insecure (hungry or at risk for hunger)
- 12.3% of households live at or below the federal poverty line
- 28% of children grades K-6 are on free and reduced lunch
- 40% of babies born are born to families on Medicaid
- There are over 3000 temporary housing facilities in the county (including homeless shelters, transitional housing, Day Shelters, and treatment centers)
(914) Cares has created different programs to address the most urgent needs of those in our community. These programs include:
Baby Bank provides 6 months of essentials to babies (0-24 months). The mission is to help families in need keep their babies clean, healthy and happy. The goal is to provide non-financial relief that reduces the impact of poverty – allowing caregivers the ability to not have to choose between buying essentials for their babies and paying for rent (or medicine or heat or food).
Please visit their website www.914cares.org to see their community partners, and to learn how you can help.